Goodbye, Gong-Gong...

May ended in a cruel way. The sudden passing of my grandpa shook everyone with grief. Nasty experience over my grandma's funeral some 25years ago made my mum, Uncles & Aunties decide on a simple affair to mourn over grandpa. The quiet & peaceful funeral was indeed most appropriate. We spent lotsa time talking about the good old days when grandma & grandpa were still around. I have many fond memories of my childhood when I had to spend my weekends at grandpa & grandma's. I always looked forward to Grandpa's perfect brew of kopi-o & half-boiled eggs... I remember how naughty grandpa used to trick me into believing that his favourite dish from grandma's cooking was actually dog meat, just so that he can have it all to himself... I remember how grandpa & I share the same passion for big chunky watches & rings... This is our way of saying goodbye...
GongGong, I miss you so much... tell Wai-Po that I miss her everyday too...


Jullie Teo said...

Sorry to hear about your grandpa... Hope everything is fine now..

Knotty Bicsie said...

Thanx, Jullie! We are coping well. Just that it still feel rather "unreal" that he is really gone...